Esthetic Fillings

Esthetic Fillings Services in Tysons Corner

Esthetic Fillings Tysons Corner

Esthetic Fillings Tysons Corner: A dental filling is a restorative method used to strengthen teeth and counter the expansion of tooth decay that can lead to caries, more commonly known as cavities. At SmilePerfectors we utilize health-conscious, earth-friendly materials to provide dental fillings.

Your options include custom-fitted restorations, traditional mercury-free fillings, as well as metal-free, composite resin restorations. The metal-free fillings are composed of plastic and/or ceramic materials, which mimic the natural white hue of your teeth.

Why Esthetic Fillings?

In the past amalgam fillings were the common norms for treating tooth decay. While they were effective to prevent decay, the amalgam contained high traces of mercury, about 45-50%, which is hazardous to humans.

Apart from being hazardous in nature, amalgam or mercury fillings also posed other problems!. Mercury is sensitive to temperature, so when it expands or contracts due to temperature change, it can create hairline fractures in the tooth. This may lead to tooth sensitivity. Further, such fillings weaken and change shape over time, mainly due to the impact of biting and chewing, so eventually, they are not durable. Finally, mercury or amalgam fillings are very conspicuous, making some  patients feel self-conscious.

In order to overcome all these issues, dentists today recommend Esthetic Fillings. They are safe and offer a much-improved aesthetic look. The Esthetic Fillings that our dentists in Tysons Corner and other locations use are a perfect restorative option to strengthen teeth and counter the expansion of tooth decay. The Esthetic Fillings we provide are durable, look natural, and will not cause tooth sensitivity.

Get Esthetic Fillings in Tysons Corner and other locations from the specialists at SmilePerfectors.

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