5 Simple Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy by SmilePerfectors, a Dental Art Center in Tysons Corner

To maintain oral health, it takes a lot than regular brushing and flossing. It takes a lifetime of care. Even if you believe that you have nice teeth and oral health, it is on your part to take right steps every day to take care of them and prevent problems. This includes using correct oral care products as well as being mindful of your daily habits. According to the SmilePerfectors, a dental center at Tysons Corner, here are some of the most important everyday habits to keep your teeth and oral health in the optimum condition, and they are;

, Smile Perfectors

1. Do not Sleep without Brushing:

Brushing is the most important activity that can help you keep your teeth in a healthy state. It is a general recommendation by dentists all over the world. You should brush at least twice a day, but still, many of us continue to neglect brushing our teeth at night. Brushing before you go to sleep is equally important, because it gets rid of the germs and plaque that accumulate throughout the day.

2. Use a Fluoride Toothpaste:

To keep your teeth healthy, it is highly recommended to use fluoride toothpaste. No matter which version of toothpaste you use (whether a toothpaste with whitening power or different flavors) make sure it contains fluoride. It is advisable to use fluoride based toothpaste, because fluoride is a leading defense against tooth decay. Additionally, it works by fighting germs that can lead to decay, as well as providing a protective barrier for your teeth.

3. Consider Flossing Everyday:

Brushing your teeth twice a day is really a good habit, but along with brushing, you should also consider flossing at least once a day. According to the dentists at SmilePerfectors, “Flossing is not just for getting those little pieces of Chinese food or broccoli that may be getting stuck in between your teeth. It’s really a way to stimulate the gums, reduce plaque, and help lower inflammation in the area. Flossing once a day is usually enough to reap these benefits”

4. Consume Health Food:

The food you eat has both negative and positive impacts on your overall oral health; hence, eat food that is less acidic and sugary. You can go for fresh and crunchy fruits that contain more fibers. Avoid eating sugary food, because sugar converts into acid in the mouth, which can then erode the enamel of your teeth. These acids are what lead to cavities.

5. Visit Your Family Dental Clinic at least Twice a Year:

No matter you are bruising and flossing your teeth every day, but visits to your family dental clinic at least twice a year for cleaning and oral checkup ensures health mouth and gums. During these visits, not only your dentist removes calculus and looks for cavities, but he/she will also be able to spot potential issues and offer treatment solutions.

Visit SmilePerfectors – A Dental Art Center in Tyson Corner

At SmilePerfectors, experienced Tysons Corner dentist Dr. Jason Favagehi and his team of dentists collaborate to offer you with comprehensive dental care and outstanding oral care treatments. To schedule a consultation for a routine oral checkup, please visit https://www.smileperfectors.com or call us at 703–356–1200 (Tysons Corner).


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